Back to School

Fall is here and the fog is beginning to lift in San Francisco. They say we’ll top 80 degrees this weekend, which will be a welcome change from our cold summer. This time of year always brings welcome renewal and reflection. Jeannette’s away on a business trip and I’ve spent the whole evening uploading pictures from the last several months. My personal favorites are the shots from Mas’s farm. There’s something quite special about what has become an annual ritual for us, trekking down to Fresno to harvest the most beautiful peaches on earth, dirtying ourselves in the Central Valley loam and sharing in the fellowship of local, sustainable farming. There are also a few shots from Mom-Mom’s 90th birthday party, so thoughtfully arranged by Mom and Dad. I’m always amazed to see the bonds among the cousins, something much deeper than mere friendship. Finally, there are the joyful pictures from Carnaval, that most San Francisco of events. This year, I enjoyed Dylan’s pride at seeing his elementary school classmates in the parade. Dylan is in first grade now and he has such a fierce loyalty to his school, his teachers, and especially his friends.

This week is the first week of school and, not only has Dylan made the shift to 1st grade with ease, Adela has transitioned to the “upstairs” classroom in preschool. She brought home a spectacular painting today and I can see her gaining confidence in school. It is amazing to watch.

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