Entering the 21st Century…

Everyone seems to be blogging these days, so, with the help of our tech-savvy friend Richard K., we’ve now entered the blogosphere. Not in time to influence the election, but that seemed to go well enough without our help.

Anyway, it’s Thanksgiving evening and we’re listening to African music in the living room of Richard and Julia’s house in Portland, having just returned from bowling, which is a new experience with young children. Dylan and David K. were totally zoned in, while we did our best to keep Adela from sprinting down the lanes.

The highlight of Thankgiving was not bowling, however. It had to be Dylan and David taking turns giving the food blessings they learned in their respective Montessori schools. Dylan’s blessing ends with “Namaste.” It’s very cute in a San Francisco sort of way.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!